Saturday, 16 April 2016

Advertisement Images and Layout

Crisis averted, I found a replacement model bringing my model count to two so far, hopefully I can find another model to bring it up to three, 9 days to go! I had some difficulty with finding a model so luckily my photographer (who has modelled for me before) stepped in last minute! I did two shoots, my model has silver hair so I immediately had to overcome that problem, Lottie to the rescue with a gorgeous lace front ginger wig, which looked amazing on! I had originally planned to use a red wig, which was from another student who happens to be pregnant and wasn't feeling very well, so first hurdle is complete.

I have stated in a previous post that I was going to change my idea for my advertisement shoots slightly, which I eventually decided against. I have very little time to be changing my mind so my advertisement for the New Matte Revolution lipsticks is my final idea, with my model sporting a cute pink and glam red lip for my shoots.

The first shoot got under way pretty well, I had planned to use a deep red background (which they didn't have) so I had to settle for a deep pink colour, after doing a few test shots I decided I didn't like the backdrop so I changed it back to white. I wasn't really happy with this as Charlotte Tilbury has used white and red in her images for the brand and the red looked really good against the more glamorous style looks she has. We wrapped up the night look shoot with some good images, I wasn't entirely happy with the outcome so I had to wait to check the pictures when I got home.

The next shoot was my day look, with the pink/nude lips, my model looks completely the same as it was shot the same day, which I am grateful for as continuity hasn't been my strongest skill during the last two academic years, and with my idea being the same look, just different lip colours to show how a lipstick can change a look from day to night, I thought it was best to do the shoots on the same day. I changed the hair slightly by brushing out the curls and taking it to one side in a pony tail which looks a little more relaxed. I was more happier with how this part of my shoot went.

After loosing my SD card containing all my images and work from the shoots I have been doing, I got home and switched on photo shop, I spent around 4 hours looking at all the images and critiquing every single one of them, I managed to find two images, one from each shoot, which I think are the better ones, although I dislike them. I think the eyes and the skin and the hair all look great, but as the focal image was on the lips, I could and should have spent more time perfecting them, which is easy to say now its done and dusted and I have no time to reshoot. My models lips were really dry and chapped, so when I put a matte lipstick on, it highlighted this issue, with the colour and product clinging to the dry areas. I did put on a conditioning lip balm before I started her make up, but I think I should have put more on as I went, it's all a learning curve so I am not too upset, as this has taught me how to deal with this issue in the future.

I started editing the images on Photo Shop, which I am really confident in. I used frequency separation which separates the layers of the skin from colour an texture. I used the Lasso tool and a blur filter to correct any blotchy areas and discolouration and use the clone tool to get rid of any fine lines, wrinkles and pimples. I try to keep the texture of the skin as much as possible to avoid it looking to fake and I think the editing stage of this project saved my advert images.

My two chosen images are in the pictures above. I have played around with layouts and what text I want on the adverts. I am having a little difficulty in placement and design of my ad, mainly based on the fact that considering I read a lot of magazines, I can not remember ever seeing one for Charlotte Tilbury, I have searched on google which didn't really bring up much so I am relying on text/fonts I have found that look similar to those on her website/images. I have done several different draft layouts, I am not really happy with any of them so I am going to keep tweaking them until I am happy, the last two images below are my favourite so far, due to not having much space for logos/products I have decided to go for a 3 page spread, as shown below. I think this works much better than the above images.

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